I have known some optimistic people in my life and generally
they are more fun to be around then pessimistic ones. They tend to be happier
and attitude is always half the battle when it comes to being successful.
Happy, versus crabby, isn’t even a sensible choice. I used to interview a lot
of people for jobs where I worked and attitude ranked high on my list. You see
skills were something that you could teach people-- but attitude---They either
had it or they didn’t. My wife was a very optimistic person but sometimes it
was to a fault. She tended to suppress the truth.
Some where between optimism and pessimism there is realism.
Realism is a state of mind that lets you see things for what they really are.
It’s also a state of mind that helps you make good decisions by gathering the
truth and facing your problems. People, who base their decisions on just their
feelings, good or bad, tend to make some mistakes. It’s what makes you think
when your in a swamp full of alligators, “Yes, I do believe I am smarter than
the alligators and if I use my head I should be okay. But those guys will eat
me, if I’m not careful.” This versus “I can’t believe an alligator would hurt
me so I’m just going to ignore them.” Or “Who gives a crap if they eat me,
because the world sucks anyway.”
When it comes to problem solving the pessimist has no
answers, only criticism. The optimist has all kinds of answers because there is
no such thing as a problem in their life. Don’t worry, be happy and it will go
away. Worry is good and it is natural and when managed right it helps you work
through things but it is a tool we need to put to good use.
As we listen to the candidates campaigning for office we get
a touch of both optimism and pessimism. An inflated view of how good it’s going
to be when they are elected and a dark view on how bad it’s been under the
present administration. Both of them are nowhere near the truth. The truth is
our country is broke, partly because of all the entitlement programs and wars
sucking the treasury dry. We spent it and we should pay for it, not our kids.
The truth is we just can’t stop the entitlement programs cold turkey but we
better start weaning people off of them and now. The truth is we need to raise
some taxes and pay our bills and not leave it for others to pay. The truth is we need to mind our own
business more in world politics. The truth is a war in Iran, Iraq or take your
choice in the Middle East, could lead toward world war III. Maybe even a
nuclear war. The planet is a tinderbox. You think oil is expensive now? The
truth is unless we get people running this country, that are wiling to be
realistic about our problems, and willing to work with each other to solve our
problems and not worrying about getting reelected or helping their friends, we
will be writing the final chapters. Yes, as Lily Tomlin use to say on ‘Laugh
In’ as she sat in her big old rocking chair. “And that’s the truth.”
What makes me able to say this? Because I’m a realist and I
want my country back.