A couple of weeks ago, I fell and broke my hip while walking my dog. I have over the years been seriously hurt many times but this time seemed to be more egregious and mainly I think it has to do with my age. I have known other seniors who have experienced a similar injury who had trouble recovering from †his in a timely manner. I hope that I am an exception to that. I know that underlying health issues are often to blame and although I’m not the gold standard for health, I am doing pretty good.
Sometimes something like this is a wakeup call for some of us who haven’t seen old age taking bits and chunks of our vitality. You can take care of yourself as well as possible but when accidents happen, healing seems to be something the young will always excel at and we will continue to suck at, every day we age. Anyway, I have chosen the road called recovery and I hope it’s a smooth one. My prognosis is good, my attitude is good and Pat is as committed as I am to get through this in a timely manner.
Shortly after my injury, as I lay in the hospital, I temporarily climbed aboard that pity train that seems to be all too often your first resort but then not wanting to get caught up in that I tried to take stock of all the good things the good lord has done for me. First of all was the ground swell of love and support that began flowing in from friends and family. “Ah ha” I thought, “they do care for me.” Pat, my daughter and her husband just took the ball and ran with it Fixing my bathroom with handicap devices. My youngest daughter sent me a new Kindle reader because she knows how much I love to read. My granddaughters came to the hospital with treats and corny jokes. Neighbors back home were walking my dog for Pat and from the depths of despair came this over flowing cup of love and caring. Nothing is more meaningful then a video from my granddaughter of my three-year-old great grandson saying, “Get well Papa.”
I have so many friends right now, whose health issues seem to put my own issues into perspective. People fighting cancer where the odds don’t seem to be stacked in their favor. Yet they say, “Just give me a chance. I’ll invoke modern treatments, knowledgably doctors, the will of God and my own tenacity-- and you know what? It has worked before for others and just maybe it will work again for me.”
It is so easy to take life for granted. To get up day after day and do whatever you have to do, or want to do, to make life work for you and hopefully for most of us that is the norm. But every once in a while, life throws you a curveball, when you were looking for a fast ball and at least for a while you were fooled. But you come out of it older and wiser and knowing your loved and what more could anyone want from life then that. I start each day with a prayer for my sick friends and neighbors. I end the day with a prayer of thanksgiving for the good times the lord has blessed me with and lets hope for many more for all of us.