Friday, March 6, 2015


They call it the “blame game” and it’s become a way of life with people in this country. No matter what happens it’s somebody else’s fault. Personal responsibility? What’s that? The election we just had, held our nose and voted in, was the epitome of the blame game. When you talk to those in office, they, in their estimation are just short of sainthood. When you talk to those trying to get there---well how we ever survived without them being there, is nothing short of a miracle. We the voters are just some lost souls who couldn’t find our way to the bathroom, without them.

Our schools turn out less educated kids all the time. According to the “blame game” it’s the fault of those stupid teachers. The parents not being involved in their kid’s life-- that’s not a reason. Schools are wrestling with starting times. Kids are too tired to learn.  Who is it that doesn’t see to it that the kids are in bed at the right time? Answer. “Not the parents,” if you ask them. The only solution has to be later start times. Guess who’s going to stay up an hour later now that we solved that. Kids need more free meals too; they’re too hungry to learn.  I grew up in a place where moms and dads wasted their hard earned money on food for their kids. Somehow they felt that was their job and not the schools.

Social security disability will be broke shortly. At some point, no one in the rest of the world, or in this country, is going to lend the government any more money. I feel bad for all of the people who are going to be hurt but not for the politicians who perpetuated the myth that they would take care of them. It could get nasty.

You see the “blame game” in marriages and relationships when it’s all, “his fault” or “her fault” and never, “our fault”. You see it in everyday lives when people hurt themselves through their own foolish or accidental mistakes and then find legal counsel whose, motto is, “As long as someone got hurt. Someone has to pay.”

Life is a learning curve we all take. Sometimes we stray and go places we don’t belong, or say things we shouldn’t have said or do things we never should have done. Apologies are often in order but today too many times apologies no longer suffice. Someone needs to get hurt or someone needs to pay through the nose. Back to the “blame game” it’s simply not your fault. The bad thing about all of this---and lets go back to the learning curve for a minute is---no one learns anything.  In reality, your child’s teacher is only responsible for teaching them what the curriculum is about. That doesn’t include lack of respect, and the things mom and dad were charged with the day the child was born.  From that day until they were on their own, it was your job to teach them love and respect and that continues for as long as you are loved and respected in their lives. Government officials shouldn’t make promises they can’t keep and that includes things in the future.

After all of this being said. I want this nation to be a benevolent nation and help the truly needy but not a nation that perpetuates the myth that it’s the governments or the schools job to raise your family.

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