Wednesday, October 26, 2016



A while back my wife’s cousin sent me a card she had found in her mothers things after she passed away. It was a birth announcement from seventy some years ago. It was the announcement that my wife’s mother sent out, shortly after the day my wife was born. I put it in a drawer with several other mementoes from her life but it and one other thing seemed to draw my attention back to the drawer. That other thing was her obituary. I had here in my hands the beginning and the end of a human life. The alpha and the omega if you will. I could only think how blessed I was to have been a witness to all of those years in between.

To those of you just starting out in married life and believing you’re so in love let me tell you something about love. Let me tell you how it really evolves between two people. True love can make you a better person because as James Baldwin said,” Love takes off masks we fear we can’t live without and know we can’t live within.” Yes true love can bring out the real you. 1st Corinthians tells us, “Love is patient. Love is kind, it does not envy. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” Think of any other emotion that can lay claim to that. Love always makes you a better person because it always comes via a barter system. You give it--you get it back,. It’s the one thing in life we seem to have an insatiable appetite for and we can’t get or give enough of it. Paul McCartney said, “ And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”

When you truly love someone it will bring you happiness, yes, but it also can bring on fear, for you are afraid of getting hurt and get hurt you will, as I was when she died but its not that hurt that we need to fear. It’s the feeling that somehow now, we are incomplete without each other because believe it or not as the years went by you grew together as surely as trees in a clump. Not grew up together as in matured together, rather I am trying to say you just become one together.  In my life it was the fact that we were a team, a George and Gracie, who cracked each other up with laughter or a Ferranti and Tiecher who made such sweet music together. We finished each other’s sentences and always knew what the other was thinking. But you learned too that through living together you saw each other’s flaws also; even though you were seeing the world though rose colored glasses. You also learned that perfect people don’t exist, except in the movies but regardless, he or she became in real life the perfect one for you.

I found that even when the object of your affections dies, love never dies a natural death with it. For a while we just don’t know how to replenish it. But grief is like a scab in your heart that hides the wound you suffered, while underneath it all, blessed healing is taking place. And then one day that ugly scab falls off and there it is-- all good again. Love can’t exist in a scab but it’s patient and as 1st Corinthians said “it will persevere” and it will exist in your heart again if you let it with no fear of seeming fickle. Maybe you didn’t know what you were missing until it was gone but now you know what to look for the second time around. You also know that he or she is giving you something precious that you can break. Yes, love needs to be handled carefully for you have already found out how fragile it really is.

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