To write an essay, a column, on any subject and have it make an impact in someone’s life requires two things. A well written truthful piece and a receptive audience. In all of my years of writing I have tried to find the words that would make an impact, while still trying to make a statement. The English language is a cornucopia of meaningful words and there are so many ways to use them but so many times it is that one perfect word or a set of words that sets the scene. I am far from being an English major but I have taken great pride in having a good vocabulary. As for a receptive audience, you may cause some of the fence dwellers to cross over if your honest and articulate well but all to often there are those whose minds are made up. Too some of these people, the truth be dammed.
In the movie “A few good men,” Jack Nicholson told his adversary Tom Cruise, when Cruise asked him for the truth, “You can’t handle the truth.” That in my estimation is where this country is at today. In a year or so voters will be asked to make a decision as to who will lead this country for four more years. They need to make that decision based on the truth but that elusive truth is not being told because it would be a death kneel for most candidates. Tell us the truth about the national debt, about social security and climate change. Not what will get you elected but what needs to be changed and what will happen if it isn’t. From the Bible comes these few words. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. If you follow this you might not get elected but you won’t carry the moniker of being a liar either.
One thing that is a big problem is the deniers who just keep shaking their heads and saying it isn’t so. It used to be that to deny something meant you had to have proof to the contrary. It seems that is no longer necessary; just a shake of the head and the words “believe me” is enough. When I was a kid growing up, I got in trouble once and my father said let me hear your side of the story. I told him my side and it was a lie and he knew it. He told me, “Screwing up like you did is forgivable. Almost expected at your age. I’m not going to punish you for that but I am going to punish you for lying to me.” I never lied to my dad again. Why is it in politics that the party faithful put up with things they know are lies? They know it’s lies because they’re not that stupid. Yet they refuse to acknowledge it as lies or not the truth. You can say “no comment” if you don’t want to be part of it or you can say I know that’s not right but I still believe in him or her. Yet so many elect to lie too and agree with them because they want to be supportive.
I have a good memory and when it comes to remembering the truth it’s not hard because it never changes. But lie’s change all the time and one lie leads to another and you better be writing them down because most of the time you will never remember them.
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