I read often about the troubles the county is having with the growing numbers of children that are being placed in foster homes. Here at a time when these kids need nurturing the most, they are being abandoned. At a time when they are most vulnerable to outside influences that could take them down the wrong path to life altering experiences, the very people that created them are failing them. It shows the power that drugs, alcohol and outside influences can have over our lives. I look into the eyes of the innocents and I say to myself; how can this be? To be fair there are cases where illness and situations beyond their control have caused parents to give up their kids but that is the exception and it makes up just a small percentage of the cases.
I grew up in a family that paid scant attention to each other. With eight kids it sometimes seemed there were many more things going on, than there was time to pay attention too, so why bother. My parents’ days were filled with their time spent just providing food and shelter and the necessities of life. If they had a goal in life it was, “Get these kids raised up and out the door. “Yet they did persevere. My father asked me to move out and make my own way the day I graduated from high school. My grandfather who was always my ‘go to guy’, Listened as I told him I thought dad was being mean. My grandfather then told me, “If he didn’t believe you were ready for this, your dad wouldn’t have said that. Now go show us what you got and know your dad is watching you. Were all watching you and cheering you on.”
I think for all of us as parents, seeing our kids off to a good start in life is our ultimate goal, the difference being though, that we need to enjoy the trip with them and the word I am looking for is--- encouragement. We all have our good days and bad days. A little praise on the good days and a little support on the bad days can go a long way to building that confidence a kid can need. If you have ever gone to a sporting event you have noticed the enthusiasm that comes from a crowd that is in support of their teams’ efforts. I am sure most people would agree that this has the power to turn that score into their favor many times. It is true in life also.
However, we seem to have become parents, we took on the job of being there for our kids as part of the deal. It isn’t a choice, its a prerequisite. It’s a contract that says. “You gave them life, now help them live it. Every step of the way.”
To those who are struggling with addictions and other things that are getting in the way with raising your kids. You need to ask yourself. Is where I am right now, where I want my kids to be when they are my age? Or is this where we break this chain and do what is right for them? Look into the eyes of your kids. All they are asking for is a chance to show the whole world they too have something to offer. You and them only get one chance at this and when that boy or girl becomes something to be proud of later in life, you can stand right there beside them and hold your head high because you made some tough choices but the right choices and the whole world will benefit from it, not just your kids. Those kids need their parents and guardians everyday of their lives and the world needs you to be there for them.
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