Saturday, March 7, 2020



I have often wondered what this world would be like if we went back to the way it was in 1941.Why is 1941 significant? If for no other reason, it was the year I was born. Come back and imagine if you would, one black telephone in each house and you had to tell the operator the number of whom you were calling and she made the connection for you. Most homes were without a television set. Milk trucks coming to your house to deliver milk each morning. No microwave ovens and lots of people still heating their homes with fuel oil or coal, or as my father did, burning wood he cut the fall before. If it snowed you cleared the drive with a shovel and most lawn mowers had only push power to turn the blades. Some people still had a refrigerator that kept food cold by evaporating a block of ice delivered by the local ice man.

There were rural homes that still didn’t have electricity. They pumped their water with a hand pump and they milked the cows by hand. Many still used horses or mules. Tractors were a luxury. Cars were basic; an engine, a transmission you shifted by hand using a clutch and brakes, you practically had to stand on to stop. If you wanted music you sang as there was no radio. You pulled out the choke to get it started and, in the winter, when it was very cold, well you didn’t even try. The heater was a little box with a door you opened that fried your feet.

There were no fitness clubs just surviving kept you fit. No Mc Donald’s or Burger king or Dairy Queen. No drive up for anything. Stores were open 8 to 5 except Friday nights they stayed open late for the farmers. Everything was closed on Sunday. Most people went to church on Sunday and families spent a lot more time together. What else didn’t they have? Drug problems, mass shootings and a lot of less divorces. It wasn’t perfect; there were people who would still rob the bank and alcoholism was a problem, then like it is now but there was a whole lot more respect for the law. You didn’t buy your way out of trouble very often. Could we live like that again? Maybe people over sixty might be able too.

Change is inevitable and just for the comfort factor, a lot of this change was for good. But sometimes we throw the good out with the bad. Lawyers and judges have litigated the rules we lived by to make them worthless. We have such a drug problem we are choosing which ones to make legal because we can’t just keep locking people up. Morals went out the window a long time ago and if it feels good, it has to be good, by today’s standards. We fill the airwaves and the internet with filth and sex and then wonder were all the perverted behavior comes from. We quit caring about each other and now we advocate that the government needs to do that for us. The schools need to make our kids into good people and feed them and make sure they get proper medical care because we are way too busy for that.

Medically, we made some great advances and people that can afford the care are living longer. Those who can’t, can only hope that someday they will be able too. It seems ironic that some people can’t afford, or get their insurance to cover their insulin but others are only complaining about why their insurance won’t cover their Botox treatments. I have lived from one end of this era to the other and I thank the good lord for letting me be born during this time. If nothing else it taught me right from wrong. May God bless America. I can still say that right? 


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