Thursday, January 7, 2021




I think when human beings were introduced to this earth-- however you believe we evolved-- it was the beginning of the end for our earth, as we know it. We had no idea what we were going to do to the earth just by being here but we are finding out now. To be fair some of it is unavoidable but instead of finding ways to deal with the bad effects, we pass it off as inconsequential and not a problem. If your entering old age that might be even truer but yet, we owe it to the youngest generation to leave this earth as clean as possible and hope that someday they will repay the favor.


There are deniers out there who scoff at this kind of rhetoric. Their self-obsessive life styles have no time for doomsday stories. They like life the way it is and they’re not changing for anyone. They’ll do everything in their power to thwart the efforts of those who want to try and save the earth. They are threatened by efforts to change their lifestyle, and most of it just boils down to money and they can’t get enough of it. Just ask the fossil fuel industry.


I am in awe of this earth and all of its creatures and the way it has for years, had all of these checks and balances to take care of our bad behavior. But the plants and oceans that cleanse the very air we breathe and the water we drink, are now being overwhelmed. Had one looked at the earth four hundred years ago it would have seemed to be beyond our capabilities to destroy it in the way we are doing it. But hey—never count us out huh?


It is beyond any reasoning abilities I now have, how greed, can make one not care enough for this earth. There are hundreds of thousands of creatures going extinct as we speak. You would have to be really out of the loop to not think that that isn’t going to have an impact on the rest of them and us. The last major extinction of the earth came at the hands of an asteroid. Unless another one comes along or Yellowstone blows its top, this time we will be doing the natural disasters one better and all by ourselves.


I fully realize that there are some who read this and say this is just another left leaning nut off on a tangent but you would be wrong. I am not a left leaning anything but an independent thinker who detests what political parties have done to our government. I support neither of them. That being said, disagree if you must but I hope its what you truly believe in and not a right leaning political position that you feel you have to take, to support the party faithful. Do me one other favor. Send me credible proof, that what is happening to our earth is not our fault. We all know it’s happening, there is little argument about that unless your living under a rock, so the only argument seems to be why it’s happening. And remember something else we can agree about is-- it has happened before. But there was always an explanation for that and if it wasn’t a mountain blowing its top or an asteroid hitting the earth, it was a natural phenomena of climate change that took tens of thousands of years to change things. What we are talking about, that is happening right now, has taken only a few short centuries.





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