With the elections close at hand, the Sunshine Boys—that
intellectual group of old men who live in this town, and who meet each day for
the good of all of us—had their annual meeting at an undisclosed location
because one of our members may, or may not, be in the witness protection
program. The members came up with some new suggestions for the next City
Council. The following is from the official minutes of that meeting. First,
they would like to see a drive-up window for building permits and ten-minute
service at City Hall. In the winter, they want both of the streetlights in town
to be on motion detectors to save energy; and they want the Crow Wing County
Maintenance Department to drain Adney Lake so we can either prove, or dispel
the claim, that Fergie caught a seven pound three ounce Crappie, and then put
it back. We also want the city to apply for matching federal funds so we can
buy a slightly used Saturn 7 Rocket for the Fourth of July fireworks this year.
Think big is our motto. There was also a suggestion that came out of the St.
Patrick Day’s parade traffic jam this year—that next year we all park in Emily and
Pequot and take shuttle buses. One member wanted to know when we were going to
get light rail. There was a motion to require all poachers to have silencers on
their rifles in the city limits, because it wakes people up at night, but it
died for lack of a second. We will not be able to conduct business this winter
when the snowbirds leave, because we won’t have a quorum. There was some
discussion about who started a rumor about one of our members. We were not able
to resolve it, and now we have a new rumor going around about who started the
rumor. By a vote of sixteen to twelve we wished Bob a happy birthday and
adjourned. Respectfully submitted.
Mike Holst
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