Tuesday, November 20, 2012



I have on my desk a small picture of my parents taken about fifty years ago. I can’t help but think how much I loved them, even though they had nothing to offer me but their love and support. Maybe there was an advantage to being poor because you knew up front they had nothing to give you but love, so from the moment you first went out into the world, you knew its was up to you and you alone to make something out of yourself. Hopefully that would be something they would be proud of. They did give me one thing to take with me though and it was probably more important than anything else they could have given me and that was a good example of how to conduct my life.

The other day on my face book page there was a rant from some college student, that I don’t know, which said. “We just have to wait for these stubborn old baby boomers to die off so we can make things right.” Now to be fair, things the last fifty years have not gone well. Our countries financial condition and failed wars have left us in precarious shape. If that was what he was referring too I would have concurred. But to tell the rest of the story, his tirade was about us trying to impose our moral values on him. Our country is on a slippery slope when we talk about moral values. Somewhere, someplace, someone took the words freedom to mean, “Whatever pleases you” and that is why we are, where we are, today.

If there was a place left on this earth that was livable and as uninhabited as this country was the day the pilgrims came here, I am sure I could fill a boat up in a hurry with people who would want to go there and get back to the values this country was founded on. I think often of the word polluted. We think of it most often in the context of our water or the air or the oceans and land. Intentional or not we have succeeded in polluting our world and to some degree it may not have been avoidable. It’s hard to avoid waste. But when it comes to our values and our character it is avoidable and they too have been polluted.

The French have a saying “Laissez faire.” It means to allow to do so, without interference. There are some things where to much interference is not good and government interference comes to mind. But as highly evolved as we are, to allow everyone to just run amok, would be a disaster. Hence we have a constitution and a bill of rights. What has happened however is their original intent has been watered down and misinterpreted and litigated to pieces and they no longer even resemble what they were meant to be and we call that freedoms. Were they perfect to start with? No. But when freedom of the press is construed to mean immoral pictures and writings with no redeeming social value what so ever. When freedom to bear arms means everyone can have assault rifles. When freedom of speech means you can incense people around the world with your views. That’s not freedoms we should have. They only satisfy people who are out to make trouble for someone else. To that college student who wants us to die and get out of the way so he can change the world. Be careful what you wish for my friend. We weren’t and look what it got us.

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