I just watched a Netflix special on Drugs in America and I have so many questions that seem to defy common sense. First a little history. The war on drugs has been going on for over thirty years and we have spent well over a trillion dollars on it and the proliferation of drugs seems to grow every day. So why aren’t we wining and what are we doing wrong? The short answer is, we need to only go back to prohibition. For those of you who don’t remember that or haven’t read about it, it was an attempt to ban alcohol in America. Long story short, we found out that the American people wanted alcohol in their lives and so they fought prohibition tooth and nail and until it was repealed. The same argument is being made for drugs.
The drugs we buy come from impoverished counties, so in order to make a living, these people are only to happy to risk their lives to supply our society, even though most of them live in fear for their lives. And just so I’m not making you think we are alone in this, this zeal for drugs goes on in other free societies around the world too. Add to that our governments zest to make more money on taxes, to prop up our economy and you are finding more and more governments simply advocating for legal drugs as long as they can somehow tax them. Somewhere down the line after the laws are changed this will come back to haunt them, because the people who sell the same drugs that our government is advocating making legal, will not be under cut when it comes to price. Hence we will get all the problems that come with the drugs and little taxes coming in and we just made it easier for the illegal’s to operate.
I have several friends and acquaintances that have lost children to drugs. I witnessed overdose deaths on the fire department many times. The loss of a loved one to drugs is probably only topped by suicide for the guilt and pain it leaves the surviving loved ones, and to be truthful they are closely related. It used to be you worried about your kids getting hurt or killed in car accidents but death from drugs now takes front and center in our society and that is only going to get worse because not only are there more drugs, there are newer and stronger drugs now available. Every great society that has existed since the times of the Romans collapsed because they couldn’t control their vices. When I was a kid and was doing some foolhardy stunt my father would always say, “You guys think you’re indestructible. The grave yards are full of your kind.” Well what was foolhardy then-- pales in comparison to what is foolhardy now.
We live in a new era of permissiveness. We are asking for freedom to do things today that we were not even thinking about doing twenty or thirty years ago. Keep in mind nothing has changed, except the pressure to change the laws to conform to what a segment of the population wants to call their rights and to hell with the consequences. What drugs and the results of people using drugs does to our economy is almost incalculable. The crime it spawns is one the biggest drivers of burglaries and robberies. Not to mention the killings amongst those fighting for their share of the business. Just think, 200,000 Mexican people, killed trying to get their drugs to our lucrative markets.
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