Tuesday, March 12, 2013


 I grew up with the Ten Commandments and I still believe in them. A lot of people today don’t, because they can’t make amendments to change them like they do with man’s laws. They want to write thou shall not kill except in cases of---. Thou shall not steal except when---. Thou shall not commit adultery unless---. I could go on.

God’s laws-- the ones he handed down to Moses-- are still as they were written, way back then. He’s not changing them and no man has the right to either but unlike mans laws we can ignore them, can’t we? Or can we? I guess we’ll find out someday. In the meantime we will abide by mans laws and when they don’t fit our life style we will change them and oh yes--- we have-- countless times. We will change them so we can do whatever we want to do.

I like history. I read it and I watch the history channel often. It intrigues me how people lived, like they did back then and what they accomplished and how innovative they were. But then history isn’t just about good things is it? It’s about times when they messed up and caused wars and people to suffer. Lessons in life my grandfather called them. Webster says lessons have to do with education. But that’s only true if you learn something from them. The people we have in congress today don’t believe in lessons. They want to find out their own way--the hard way. To bad it’s often at our expense. Oh well, still they won’t look bad in the history books. Because no one reads then anyway and if they do they’ll just deny it anyway. Thou shall not bear false witness against----. Wait! That’s the other guy’s laws. We don’t have to do that.

I’m not sure why some people don’t like advice from other well-meaning people and especially if its a deity. It’s free and if you have something better, then by all means do it but be careful on how you define better. Better yet, write about it and share it with the rest of us. But the Ten Commandments wasn’t meant to be just advice. It was meant to be rules God wanted us to live by. If we did, he promised us he’d do something nice for us and the world would be a better place to live in.  In effect he was telling us “this is as close as I can get you to heaven on earth.” God doesn’t have any jails to put you in if you break his laws. Not while your alive anyway. Mans laws however are just the opposites because they will put you in jail and throw your butt out when you’re dead.

In the end history will record something about us however and it’s not looking good. The books will read that mankind had the recipe right in front of them and it was a good one. That people a few centuries back came to this country to escape exactly what we seem to be falling into today and the rules they set up mimicked Gods laws. They will say too that countless other people and countries have failed for the same reason America is failing. Greed does funny things to people and it always has. We think we want something better for ourselves when in reality what we really want is to be totally in charge. Even when were wrong.

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