Wednesday, December 30, 2015


 What do I want for my friends, family and myself for New Years? And is what I want even possible or am I somewhere in fantasyland just wishing things were different? To me there are so many good things I value in life but yet if I think about them and had to categorize them in some kind of order of importance, where would I draw the lines. First and foremost I need to go back to the prayer of serenity and realize that much that is wrong out there, or at least what I perceive as being wrong, is beyond my control but I need to pay attention to the things that I can change.

I think happiness would be the thing I would aspire to be the most. I guess when you think about it, it’s all-inclusive with things we value in life. Faith, health, wealth, companionship all become a part of it. But then as I dissect it farther I find that it’s not just my happiness that is so important to me, but also the happiness of a large group of people that I know and love. For their happiness is tied to mine. What makes them happy refines and completes my happiness and vice versa. It’s like sugar in a recipe. It’s good all by itself but put it into a desert full of fruits, nuts and delicate creams and it’s the best it can be. That’s what life really is and should be. A living recipe for happiness. Even though we don’t have all the ingredients ourselves, others will chip in if we let them, to make the finished product. My resolution #1 is to try and be happy.

I need to be more of a doer and less of an advisor. But wait, I’m a writer and my forte is to inspire people to bigger and better things with my writings. It’s one of my daily prayers. “Lord, help me find the words to help people be inspired, like I am.” But in his infinite wisdom he is saying to me “That’s all good and proper Mike but show them what you mean by your example.” Even St. Francis prayed “Lord make me an instrument of your peace.” He knew that to be a living example would be the way to go. Do as I do, is always so much better then do as I say. It’s like the directions to accomplish something great, all done up in a video orchestrated by you, instead of a pamphlet that tells you a step by step process. My resolution # 2. Try to change the things you can. Remember every trip starts with a single step.

 I need to see the world through the eyes of my friends and loved ones as well as through my own. We are all so different; we all bring to the table something special. Let’s go back to that happiness thing I talked about. Thing’s that make no sense to me, may make perfect sense to someone else. I’m old but if I lived to be a thousand I could never experience all the things that have make people happy or sad. I only know what I have come in contact with. I need to expand my horizons and be more understanding of those around me. My resolution #3. Be more understanding.

I looked up the meaning of the word resolution. It means to make a firm decision. Resolution #4. Be serious about what you have resolved to do.

                                                                                    HAPPY NEW YEARS ---MIKE

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