Saturday, February 20, 2016


I wanted to write something about women. I fancy myself as somewhat of a student of the fairer sex but sadly admit; I don’t really understand all there is to know about them. But then I’m smart enough to know that if I lived a hundred life times I could probably still say that and not be far from the truth. But on the other hand if I did understand all there is to know, I probably wouldn’t be so interested in them anymore, because the mystique would have been revealed, the veil would have been lifted, and at least for me the game would be over.

This world has its share of crime and violence but if you look closely at it you will be hard pressed to find women participating in that kind of behavior, too any great degree. The ones, who do, probably learned it mostly by trying to emulate men. As a man I’m not proud of having to write this but it is, what it is. Even in the animal kingdom this quest for dominancy by males is exhibited everywhere. They will fight to the death for it. The farmer knows that fifty cows and one bull is a happy situation. But introduce two bulls and it doesn’t work. Sadly, that leaves twenty-five cows for each, but for some far-fetched reason that isn’t workable in the old boys selfish mind.

If you put a fence across the world and split the males and females up, before long the males would have all killed each other and the females would all be giving each other new hair due’s and gossiping about each others kids. Being the nurture’s they are, they would get along fine, for a while, until the kids grew up, but then they would be overwhelmed with this feeling of worthlessness and they would all be over looking for a hole in the fence and a man if there was any left. Yes believe it or not, we do need each other.

I once worked for thirteen years with an all men work force. Then I abruptly changed roles and went to work in an office with all women for almost twenty years. So it is with some authority I talk about, how they differed. I went from this pack of men who had very little good feelings for each other-- at least that they exhibited-- to a group of women who could spend the first hour of the work day gushing over Melba’s pictures of her granddaughter while the phones rang off the hook. I watched men throw things and slam doors and cuss each other out and then I watched women either cry or pout. Not that they didn’t have some devious ways of getting back at each other, they do. It might not be this instant, as the men would do, but it was going to happen sometime within their life time and you could make book on that. With the men, I know where I stood, usually within a few minutes of shooting my mouth off, but with the women? Well you’ve heard that old clique, “the suspense is killing me.” Well if it had been literally, it probably would have been a blessing.

I think when God laid Adam down and yanked out that rib and made a woman, he in his infinite wisdom, knew it had to be something different then he’d made the first time around or this earth was in a world of hurt. Wow, my lady friend just sent me an apple. Nice.

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