For a lot of us here today the world has become a far
different place then the one we grew up in. Some call it progress and yes, in
some respects it is progress but progress to where? No one wants polio and
small pox around again but yet it seems we have traded these dreaded diseases
for others born on the backs of the carcinogens we have poisoned the earth
with. Just think half of this state has bodies of water unfit to swim in or
drink. A state that once was called the land of sky blue waters. We seem to
increasing love violence as seen in our sports. The harder the hit in football,
the bigger the wreck in Nascar, two hockey players slugging it out at center
ice until their faces are bloodied always bring the crowd to its feet. Movies and
videos games where the body count is not calculable and people are ate up like
those little globs on the Pac Man machine.
Gone, but not forgotten are love songs and slow dances.
Families praying together and sitting around the supper table sharing their
fears and successes. All of this gobbled up in a frenzy of greed and power that
took a world that shared and cared to a dog eat dog world most people my age
don’t like or understands. We used to have a world of compatibility and
teamwork and now we have a world have competition and selfishness.
The minds of today are going to be the mentors of tomorrow
whether we like it or not and that’s somewhat scary. The mentors I talk of that
should be mentoring today’ youth+ are the same minds we didn’t mentor well
enough or we wouldn’t be where we are now. So in fact we have no one to blame
but ourselves. I always dislike when people criticize the young people of today
as if we had nothing to do with it.
I’m going to close with Lyrics from a song by one of the greatest
songwriters this country ever produced. I’m not going to sing them so you can
relax there but the words Bob Dylan wrote some fifty years ago are still so
relevant today.
“Come mothers and fathers throughout the land. And don’t
criticize what you don’t understand.
Your sons and
your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly ageing.
Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand. For
the times they are a changing.”
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