Thursday, October 25, 2012


I don’t like to write about politics but just this once I have to say my piece. So here is my problem. I have listened to both of the presidential candidates. They have both accused the other of not telling the truth. To put that in plain language they have both called each other liars, without saying the word liar. But if it quacks like a duck? You know what I mean; somebody’s pants are on fire.  So if they are both lying than am I forced to vote for a liar? Not a good choice.

Romney says Obama care will cost a trillion dollars. So Mr. president prove him wrong. Don’t just say that’s not true. Get a white board and show me the proof. The President says Romney’s tax cuts don’t add up. So Governor show us the proof. Don’t just say they do add up. Why don’t you just both say what you are going to do and let’s let a third unbiased party—if there is such a thing---prove you right or wrong. I need to clarify things here by saying, “if there is such a thing.” Yes that’s what it’s coming to; we don’t believe anybody anymore when it comes to politics. So sad. The president says its been hard to get anything done with a do nothing congress. If you get elected Governor and you get a do nothing congress-- and the odds are pretty good you will -- how would you handle that? I have never heard you say, I will do all of these things I am proposing, if congress lets me. How are you going to take down those legislative roadblocks and specifics please? This isn’t a dictatorship. Yet.

I am baffled that when the votes are counted in congress its always along party lines. Somehow, somewhere, there must have been a good idea somewhere across the aisle. Senators and Representatives, do your party ties preclude you from seeing anything good by the other party? Whom do you represent, the party or the voters? Do you think it would work better if no one had any party ties and we had to judge you on your record and not support you because of your party endorsements? Third parties have tried to be in the race but you’re both against third parties. Why is that? I would think it would help you immensely in congress to not have peer pressure from party affiliates.

This is a young country by world standards and it’s going to be a short-lived country if we don’t get back to some honesty and genuine concern about the good of the people and not the good of political parties. It’s hard I know, to be in a country this diverse and please everyone and maybe that’s where you’re confused. You’re not in congress to please everyone; you are there to please the majority. You are there to say NO once in a while. To leave this nation in better shape when you leave, then it was when you went in. You have by your own admission called yourselves a do nothing bunch of legislators. Erase those lines in the sand and maybe, just maybe, we will believe you again and give you back some credibility and you can quit calling each other liars every time there is a campaign. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

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