Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I firmly believe that sometime in the near future, the religious freedoms that our founding fathers left their homes in England to pursue in a new world, will be challenged. Already there are signs of this and tough talk from those who wish to redefine the way Christians live. In the years that I have been upon this earth I have seen a steady erosion of the principals that defined the constitution that those brave people set up, as rules to live by. Over the years changes have been made to the amendments but almost always as an addendum to the existing rules, to keep up with changing times. Now they’re talking about gutting the first amendment. The first amendment to the constitution clearly states, “That congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of.” To force religious people to do things that are against their values is a breach of this amendment to the constitution, yet there are those who want it changed. Keep in mind the amendment says, “Congress shall make,” and not the “Supreme Court shall make” and there -in lies the problem.

I have lived my entire life under the direction and influence of two sets of laws. Man’s laws and Gods laws. Man’s laws are mostly mandatory and the consequences of not obeying them are spelled out and evident. Many of us obey them, not because we always respect them but because we are fearful of the punishment we will receive if we don’t. As I stated, they are mandatory so there is no option to ignore them and live as you please but there is an option to voice your opinion, as to whether you like them or not and I have. There is one other thing about mans laws that is different from Gods laws and that is, they are never set in stone. The amendments to the constitution of the United States are a good example. They don’t even resemble what our founding fathers meant them to be. They have been litigated to pieces and more changes are coming such as I talked about above.

God’s laws however were set in stone and not subject to change or misinterpreting. If you want your just reward you have to follow the rules he laid out for you in the scriptures.  Take it or leave it, an up or down vote. God doesn’t have a supreme court for you to appeal to and after you die, you are on your own. Your legal counsel can’t follow you or speak for you. Once again you are free to voice your opinion but remember there is no such thing as a constitution here to argue about. The rules are the rules. But there is an exception in case you do stray and it’s called forgiveness.

It’s a shame when a country that was founded on religious principals is asked to abandon that line of thinking because a new wave has descended upon us and we must be sensitive to their needs, even at the expense of our own needs and beliefs. We live in turbulent times with racial hatred, financial problems that have the power to ruin the country and the constant drums of war ringing in our ears. We have a broken political system that has given us a do nothing congress, engaged in constant greedy political battles and a supreme court that most people, believe oversteps it’s bounds. All of these problems need to be fixed and need our attention now but instead, all of our attention is being focused on social differences that effect a minute segment of our population.

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