Monday, October 14, 2019



My significant other and I went to the movie “Judy,” the other night, the story of Judy Garland. As sad it was to see someone that talented, fall that far, I think it does us good to have this kind of life-style, acted out for all to see from time to time because there is no convincing some people of the pain and suffering that goes into, not only their addictions but what it does to those who love them too. Then there is the price of coping with being someone famous. How many other renditions of “Somewhere over the Rainbow” would Judy have done if she hadn’t left us so soon? Here it is 80 years later and we still love that song

 Our storied history in the entertainment industry is filled with so many examples that are no different then Judy’s story. There was Whitney Houston who must have never found, “That one Moment in Time” and Robin Williams whose life ceased to be funny. All of their talent destroyed by drugs and alcohol and we wonder how people that seemed to have it all, fell into that trap. All the money in the world isn’t going to help you once you’re in the grips of these addictions. Sadly all that was so good in your life will never be that good again, for even if you come clean, you will live with that addiction, the rest of your life. 

I grew up in a world where the primary addictions were alcohol and nicotine, that to be truthful will kill you too, albeit in a slower fashion. The government will always tolerate some of our vices because they need the tax money and to be truthful again we wouldn’t tolerate not having alcohol and nicotine. Go read up about prohibition if you need farther proof of this. Almost any social event we attend is disappointing to us if alcohol is not served. It’s just no fun unless you can get a buzz on.

I have a dear friend who is an alcoholic who has been dry for many years and she has told me how proud she is of that. To some alcoholics being clean is much like being a cancer survivor. Like these cancer survivors you live with the fear that it could start all over again but yet you’re proud you have weathered the storm. Some don’t and they pay the price. My brother was one of those who couldn’t kick the habit and he died an early death living in squalor. Judy Garland died alone on her bathroom floor and my brother died alone on his floor. One was famous and one was not but in the end it mattered little. They both left on the same terms. Victims of an addiction.

There is a term often used about being an “optimist.” To have a cheery attitude and a can do mind set, is to be congratulated but when the word optimism, trumps reality, then you’re in trouble. The world loves an optimist but even the most successful ones know they can’t laugh or wish or sing their troubles away and they have to face their problems head on. This country is also full of whiners that like to blame their troubles on something or someone else. It’s always abusive parents or being poor or getting in with the wrong crowd that got you to the booze and drugs. I guess we need a sign on the southern border that says to the Mexicans “Please don’t bring drugs into this country because we have no self control.” 

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